Thursday, July 5, 2012

Learning Garden --End of the Year Update

Learning Gardens Update

          Another busy spring in the Learning Gardens! At the end of April, a work party was held to install a beautiful, professionally-made sign on the edge of the Bird & Butterfly Garden. The sign includes a map of the Learning Gardens, plus a brief history of the project. If you haven’t seen it yet, go and take a look!  
          Another work party was held on May 12th, which was the annual Master Gardener Workday. We had four Master Gardeners and a nice mix of school staff, parents, and students on hand to weed and prune the garden, add a new layer of mulch, and add wood chips to the paths. The After School Garden Club also met in May. Unfortunately, we were rained out twice, but much was accomplished the times we did meet.
          You may have heard that I am retiring this year. Yes, indeed, after thirty-one years of teaching, I am hanging up my “teacher hat.” However, the gardener hat is still on, as I have been awarded a small stipend from the School Ground Greening Coalition part of Portland Trails. Thus, I will continue to help maintain the Learning Gardens, help run Ecology Day and After School Garden Club, and volunteer to help teachers get their classes outside. I also have access to a $1200 mini-grant to support our greening efforts in the coming school year. So, you haven’t seen the last of me!
          Finally, I am requesting your help in keeping an eye on the Learning Gardens over the summer. I have noticed that kids have been “burning rubber” with their bikes on the Rain Garden boardwalk. Hopefully, it can be cleaned off. If you see the gardens being mistreated, please speak up, contact the school office, or – if the office if closed and you feel it is warranted - call the police. It is up to all of us to keep the gardens beautiful and safe.

Many thanks for all your support,
Anne Cyr
Master Gardener
Coordinator of the Learning Gardens Project

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